Thursday, September 1, 2011

Too Much "To Do" Thursday

Remember many, many years ago, when gas stations were "full-service"?  You would drive your automobile up to the gas tank, activating the bell?  The station attendant would come out (if they weren't already), and ask if you wanted him to "fill 'er up"?  There were times, when you just had to use the bathroom.  Maybe even your Mama warned you "not to sit down" in some of these fine establishments!  One thing that I remember about the old-timey service stations, is the cloth towel holder.  Remember those?  It was a continuous piece of cloth / towel that you pulled down, and it just went around in a circle?  (Why did people think that was a sanitary idea? Am I missing something?)

My mind is like that towel...going round and round.  The towel is my "To Do List", and it is continually evolving and changing as I add items and delete items.  I'm thankful for my Franklin Planner training, in that I know how to prioritize tasks.  What has to be done today?  What needs to be done tomorrow?  What should I be doing in the future?  I have my work list and my family list, but the problem is I'm running out of time to mark off all of my "to do" items.  Tomorrow is my last day at work, prior to surgery, so time's up for that list!  (You might even can tell how frazzled I am feeling right now, with how jumbled my thoughts and words are in this post.)

Today was definitely a "Too Busy Thursday".  I know that everyone has a busy life.  Some days,  finding time to go to the restroom is a challenge.  Today was one of those days.  Regular motherly tasks, next-to last day of work, appointment with the the Nurse Navigator, and also Family Book Fair Night were on the schedule for today.  What a day!

Weeks ago, we planned a big parent event at school for the night of September 1.  Well, any good library media specialist knows that it's a great time to have have a book fair, if you have a planned parent night.  Let's just say this week has been challenging, to say the least.  (Remind me never to schedule a book fair the week before a mastectomy, again!)  Amongst regular media center tasks, checking out books, checking in books, technology issues, and book fair, I am attempting to prepare for the substitute who will be working during my absence.  Plus, you always have to clean up when company's coming...don't you?  LOL

I left school early today, as Jeff and I met with my Nurse Navigator, Kim.  She is a great resource, and a wealth of knowledge.  Did you know that the chances of a 40 year old woman having breast cancer is 0.4%?  (Guess that makes me very special...wonder what the odds are for a 38 year old woman?)  We discussed the genetic BRCA testing, as well as my pathology and MRI results, and possible treatment plan.  She was able to answer many of the questions I have, and gave us post-op instructions.  I really like her, and know that when she says to "call her" if I need her, it is said with sincerity.  Since I was told that chemotherapy is part of my treatment plan (we just don't know the drugs or administration schedule), Kim is contacting Dr. Martin's office to see if a port, also called a portacath, will be installed during surgery. She will also see us before and after surgery next week.  I walked out with a big pink notebook full of information, and a new resource!

I left the hospital, just in time to return to school for Book Fair Family Night.  Special thanks to my great co-worker and friend, Lori, for assisting with the book fair!  After that, it was time to head home to help with bath time, kitchen clean-up and laundry.  (No rest for the weary!)

As I go to work tomorrow, I know that my "To Do" list is finally dwindling down.  I've made arrangements for as many job responsibilities as possible, but want to make certain that everything is taken care of...that's just the way I am.  It's kind of surreal, like I'm planning for maternity leave, but know I won't come back with a baby...instead, I'll return with just one breast, and hopefully be cancer free!


1 comment:

tracy said...

you know u can let go of that list, it will be good practice for the period of time when you HAVE TO let it go. this would be a good time to do things like make huge batches of freezables for when u dont feel up to cooking. (I know jeff likes to cook, but even he will need a break) its a good time to just sit and watch a show with your babies. these are the things the kids will remember and you will too. cut yourself some much needed slack and just be. those things on the to do list most often take care of themselves. and the world wont come to a screeching halt if you let some of it go. :)